Tag Archives: adobe audition

Audio Basics for Podcasts – PART 3: Basic editing

18 Jun

So now this is the (for now final) part 3:

I just want to show you some basic ideas in terms of audio editing. This its just a quick overview, you might have your own style and way to do things. Also your application might have different Tools. But this is just a “reminder” so to say of what might be essential to get good edits. Now, i’m usually a bit better, faster & more precise at this kind of editing but i really just wanted you to show some “hints” so you can start to get stuff done or might think about your workflow and stuff.

If you have any question, let me know … I’ll make sure to get back to you or even make another tutorial to answer your question.
Also here is the Link to the Blogpost from Vashi Nedomansky about 5 Audio EQ Tips for Filmmakers:

Audio for Video:5 EQ Tips for Filmmakers + 12 Audio Presets


Audio Basics for Podcasts – PART1 SETTING STUFF UP!

17 Jun

So this is the fist part of three. Its the basics about how i set up my edit-session in Adobe Audition. I talk a lil bit about Levels, Normalization and why its not helping that much if you have not the best recordings (like with a lot of spikes and plopp-sounds and whatnot) or all kinds of level changes and stuff. Its not that exciting… 😉

I promise the 2nd part will be a bit more practical but longer as well…. 


stay tuned for part 2 …. you can find it here!